Here we are coming up on the white cliffs of Dover. Way cool!
The ferry ride was actually one of the highlights of this trip for me...sounds crazy I know but I just really enjoyed it.
London bridge is falling down, falling down, no no wait a minute, OK it's just London bridge.
Big Ben is really Big!!!
Were going to see the changing of the guard in a minute if they ever come... come on lets get on with it already... we only have a day to see as much as we can see.
Buckingham Palace.
You lowly common people please move along, move along tisk..tisk cheerio and all that stuff.
OK, here they are and my camera...come on work will ya!
Now wait a minute I know your not one of the guards.
Very cool!
The Queen Mother.
Trafalgar square. The tower of London. This was a neat stop. We went inside and could not believe some of this was over a thousand years old!